Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

Geologist. Sherif El Shahawy

Our goal is moving forward to an endless journey of success and to set a clear vision for the company's future and develop its present. We are living now in a new world governed by science and knowledge. We live in a new world of educated, trained and effective human forces.

We have in the company a highly educated manpower, and a great youth energy. The strength of the company and society is the strength of our youth and our experts.

In the beginning, the company had only one agreement supported by law. Today the company has seven new agreements with seven laws in different areas, where the infrastructure of roads and networks is available in near coastal cities and villages. This challenge requires technical expertise and youth energy to carry out exploration work to reach advanced stages of exploration and evaluation work and achieve a new commercial discovery in continuation of the previous experience in the Jabal Iqat area, in which the commercial discovery that was announced during the year 2020.

We aim to increase the reserves of gold and associated minerals by re-evaluating and exploiting the old mines, which were exploited until the beginning of the last century, on two main categories. The first category is represented by small companies that exploit limited ores, limited to quartz veins bearing gold and are not suitable for large companies. The second category is confined to the exploitation of gold ore with an average of no less than half a million ounces, so that the Shalateen Company will reach, within ten years, a production of more than three million ounces per year.

We are also working to ensure the implementation of projects in accordance with the accepted international codes in order to achieve an increase in the contribution of the mining sector to the GDP and the profitable economic return to our partners and to the country without any harm to the natural reserves and ecosystems.

We will strive to achieve the country plan and the future plan of the company and overthrow the difficulties and challenges faced by the company.

We will work to achieve social peace in its comprehensive concept as an imperative necessity to achieve and maintain sustainable development through achieving economic and environmental stability.